Aren't they beautiful? Why is it everyone always gives Dave a look of pity for having 4 girls?:-) It was so nice having ALL of our girls at home for Christmas...FINALLY!!
Sydney and Reagan posing after their performance with the Rossville Dance Team.
Maddie at 3 Months
All Smiles
Ellie's 1st Haircut
This was actually last month. Her very 1st cut. Isn't she cute?
Loving Mealtime
Ellie trying to clean up for me.
Daddy feeding Maddie
She took right to the bottle. No problem!
Our Girls
Showing their true colors!
Maddie's 1st Christmas
Ellie's 1st Christmas At Home
Happy 2nd Birthday Ellie!!
Celebrating her first party with her big sisters. So much better than a birthday in the hospital!!
I looove cake!!!!!!
Too Cute!
"I Can Sit Now!"
Ellie sitting on the floor showing off her new skill.
The Big Girls
The girls on Sydney's last day of Kindergarten. Reagan was so excited she walked Sydney down to the bus.
Tummy Time
Getting better and better on her tummy. Amazing that she is okay with it after 7 surgeries in chest and abdominal area.
Drinking From Her Nosy Cup
Can you believe I took this pic myself while I was giving her the drink? Not bad.
Look At All That Hair!
Her hair grew back extra think and very blond. She also has 2 cowlicks on her crown whick makes the perfect mohawk.
This is Ellie on Valentine's Day after she lost most her hair. It fell out when her skin started peeling.
President Reagan
I Found My Thumb!
What A Nice Surprise!
Mommy finally got to hold Ellie at the end of 2007.
Daddy and Me
Daddy was so happy to hold Ellie that he held her for over 3 hours. What a way to start 2008!
Sleeping Peacefully
Seems like she's not awake for very long once we start holding her.
Just Me and Frosty
Sydney thought I needed my Frosty tucked in with me. He was a present from Santa.
Ellie's Belly
Her belly has staples going down it that will be taken out soon. It is a large scar that goes from her diaphram to just past her belly button. The yellow tube above it is her feeding tube.
Ellie's Silo
aka: Belly Turban, Tower of Gauze
Hanging At The Hospital
Between coloring, watching cartoons, playing the waiting area and dancing in the cafeteria the girls found things to do.
Dancing with daddy.
Just Because...
We thought this was funny. Reagan can't stand having her hair brushed.
Glad To Be With Mom and Dad
No Tubes!
Friday Morning
Look at those wrinkles
Ellie's Eyes!
How do you like my hair?
Look At Me Now!!
Today, Dec. 25
At My Worst
Wednesday, Dec. 19
Thank You!!
Thank you to all the Santa's helpers from Rossville High School!!
Christmas Excitement
Anxiously waiting to go downstairs and see what Santa left.
Hands of Hope
A wonderful sign made by Aunt Melinda's 3rd grade class.