Reagan is doing well too. She likes getting to leave with Sydney and Dave in the morning. They drive to Dave's school then a bus takes them to the elementary school. We hear from her teachers that she is very good in school, has great manners and is kind of quiet (yes, you heard that one correctly...a surprise to us). The only difference that I have noticed in her lately is that she is very clingly. She tells me a lot that she misses me when she is in school (she goes M-F in the morning).
The newest girl is doing fine. I had another sonogram yesterday and there is no sign of impending labor. Docs thought all looked well. She is looking healthy, weighs 2lbs, 8 oz (I think) and her growth shows her 5 days ahead of schedule. She does appear to camera shy. They tried to give me a 3-D shot of her face put she wouldn't take her arms down. As for names, we still have no clue.
As for Ellie, she has been continuing with her growth spurt. She now has a total of 9 teeth! Yes, they have been coming in like crazy. 2 just in the last week and 2 more almost ready to break through. She is pivoting all over when she is sitting (moving herself in circles) to reach what she wants. We have been practicing getting her on her knees and standing. It's hard work for her, but we've been seeing improvement. She waves hi and bye now (though not always right away) and loves pat-a-cake. She has figured out how to do the "roll it up" part with her hands and has gotten better with the "throw it in the pan" part (throwing her hands up in the air--this is hard for her). Just Friday, she surprised me with getting into sitting position on her own. I'm still not sure how she did it. She was laying down when I went into the kitchen, then I heard her fuss, came out and she was sitting up happy as a lark. She's only done it 2 other times but I'm sure she'll have it down soon. We've been working on it for weeks. She desperately wants to crawl to things on the floor but has not figured out how to coordinate her arms and her knees yet. Exciting news on the eating front is that we are working with a dietician now and I have her eating orally 5 times a day (3 meals, 2 snacks) and off her tube for 5 hours a day). We do a lot of counting calories...she needs around 150 per meal and 100 per snack. We see her again tomorrow and I hope we have worked hard enough to be able to double her time off the tube (the next step). This would basically have her off most of the daytime. Oh, and yesterday I got her to drink 8 oz of milk throughout the day (very thick and spoonfed sometimes)!!!! This is a major record!! If you remember, this is the part we struggle with; eating is no problem.

Isn't this pic awesome?!! You can't even see Dave behind her holding her up.
And great news, we are now part of the high speed internet world, so I'm attempting to add new pics to the site.
It sounds like the girls are all well and happy! I am glad to hear the two older ones are enjoying school! That is fantastic. You would be amazed how some children are in school compared to their home life. It can be night and day! I am very happy to know that you now have high speed internet!!! Yea! Oh and by the way, I am so definitely in maternity clothes. I have a funny story to tell you about clothes sometime. Oh, I am also keeping our blog update at least trying, so check it out. Talk to you soon.
Love lots and lots!
Jade :)
PS - I love the new pics - very cute!!!
what? high speed?! yeah! that means more pictures right? i can't believe how good ellie looks, just amazing, espcially given her last year. she's a miracle!
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