Thursday, November 27, 2008

She's Here!!

Well, I'm a week late in getting this out, but I didn't get out of the hospital until Saturday and have been trying to recoup. Just like I've been telling people, this baby was like her two oldest sisters and didn't want to adhere to any C-section date...which was scheduled for December 2nd.
Madelyn Dee arrived on November 19th at 7:59 am. She weighed 7 lbs 8 oz (my biggest) and was 20 in. long (just like Sydney).

Not to be outdone by her sisters' births (Sydney was breech, Reagan got cut on the face during the C-section, and Ellie and all her complications), Maddie had her own surprise for us. She decided to show up on Reagan's birthday!! Yes, our girls have their own way of trying to get attention. So Reagan had to open her presents up at the hospital. I really don't think she minded, but we'll see in a few years when it kicks in that she has to share her birthday with her sister. I'll write more later and throw in some pics of the girls with Maddie.


Jade Staab, said...


Jessaca said...

Congrats on your newest addition. Someday you'll have to tell me how you do it all; four kids! I can't even get my head wrapped around having one yet! Maddie looks so gorgeous. Just like your other babies. Thanks for sharing!