Thursday, March 26, 2009

Trial Run

What a long week spring break was. We planned on getting some things done around the house, but it didn't work out that way. Ellie caught Reagan's stomach bug, which then turned into a bad cold and finally into her first ear infection. This was the first ear infection any of my girls have encountered. It was not a moment to celebrate. After spending the entire night awake with her and at the doctors' offices the next day, I got sick and then my cold turned into a sinus infection. Oh well. All the kids are better now and I'm finally on antibiotics....yeah!

In the meantime, the kids have been busy. As promised, here is the update on the big girls: Sydney's basketball season ended last month and we've already started soccer season again. She played her third game last weekend and is finally making some good contact with the ball. She's in the soccer league this season (Sunflower), on an all girls team and we really like the coach. Her highlight of the last two years finally came this past weekend when she realized she had a loose tooth. She has been asking me for the last two years when it was going to happen and it finally has. She can't wait to loose it.

Reagan is really enjoying pre-school and even learning to write a few letters. Her teachers say she has some of the best fine motor skills in the class and that she loves crafts and is a perfectionist. Last weekend, Reagan was going outside to play with her daddy and she came into the living room in a dress and jewelry. I asked why she was so dressed up and she told me, "Because I want to look fabulous. Fabulous means pretty!". Too cute. I think we've read "Fancy Nancy" one too many times!

Maddie is growing like a weed. She weighed in this week at her 4 month checkup at 14 lbs 10 ozs. A week ago she rolled from her tummy to her back and this week she surprised me with rolling from her back to her tummy. She loves her sissys!

As for Ellie, we are on a trial run...hence the title of my post. On Tuesday we were given the okay to do a week long trial run of NO TUBE!!! Yep, that's what I said. So far, I think she's doing great. Yesterday she drank 17 oz of milk and today it was 19 oz...of course she was eating too. The drinking strike is over I think. I'm tracking how much and what she eats and drinks everyday and sending it to her nutritionist on Monday. She is going to calculate the calories and then I will take it all to her surgeon on Tuesday and talk to him about a plan for when we can take the tube out. Of course all of this is dependent on how she eats and drinks and if she can gain weight. On Tuesday she weighed in at 19 lbs 8 oz. A 7 oz gain from the previous week when she was so sick (we supplemented with formula feeds to get her weight up faster). I'm just hoping for some progressive weight gains. We've been in the 19/20 lb range for months now. So, I'm hoping for a good week and good news next week. Oh, and she has a new word, "eyes". We've been working on body parts. The only problem is that she wants to use Maddie has her part finder. Until next time....

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